Our Dry Eye Treatments
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Eyelid Exfoliation
Mechanical exfoliation of the eyelid margins is performed using a device called BlephEx.
BlephEx is an in-office hand-held device that allows the optometrist to directly clean and exfoliate your eyelids and lashes. It is a painless procedure that removes the bacteria and debri in the biofilm that accumulates on the eyelid margins. When this biofilm builds up, it blocks the opening of the glands that provide the secrete oils needed for your tears on the surface of the eye. It also allows unwanted overgrowth of bacteria to accumulate. Removing this layer of biofilm will help with dry eye symptoms and improve the health of your eyes and eyelids.
Meibomian Gland Expression
The procedure for meibomian gland expressions involves applying gentle pressure to your eyelids to express the oils from the glands. Initially, it will be done to diagnose to determine if your glands are clogged. Once diagnosis is confirmed, the optometrist will then use a range of specialised tools to express and clear the thicker wax-like excretions that have accumulated and caused gland blockage. This will allow the glands to function properly which will increase the quality and quantity of oil production of the glands and decrease dry eye symptoms.
Heat Therapy
Before therapeutic gland expression, the meibomian gland is best warmed up to help open the meibomian glands and soften the hardened excretions. Our optometrist will use warm compresses to perfect the therapeutic temperature and environment to melt the thickened secretions to ensure a safe and painless procedure.
At Dry Eye Clinic, our optometrists are dedicated to help those suffering from Dry Eye and other eye health issues . All our management plans are individualised to you based on the evidence-based guidelines of the Tear Film and Ocular Surface Society Dry Eye Workshop II.