BlephEx Treatment
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What is BlephEx and how does it work?
BlephEx is an in-office hand-held device that allows the optometrist to directly clean and exfoliate your eyelids and lashes for patients suffering from blepharitis. The spinning surgical-grade tip is soaked with a gentle antibacterial solution and is then carefully run along the eyelids, removing the exotoxin-laden biofilm that accumulates on the eyelid. This painless procedure effectively removes scurf, mites and bacteria that build up along the lid margin.
Blepharitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the eyelids caused by an overgrowth of normal bacteria living along the lid and base of the eyelashes. The traditional treatment is for patients to scrub the eyelid margins with baby shampoo or one of the commercially available eyelid products. These can be a difficult procedure to perform at home and have limited effectiveness.
What can BlephEx Treat?
Blepharitis which is a chronic inflammatory disease of the eyelids caused by an overgrowth of normal bacteria living along the lid and base of the eyelashes. The traditional treatment is for patients to scrub the eyelid margins with baby shampoo or one of the commercially available eyelid products. These can be a difficult procedure to perform at home and have limited effectiveness.
Are there any side effects?
BlephEx procedure is a safe and effective treatment and normally has no adverse side effects. Some patients may only have mild side effects such as weak irritation and redness of the eyelids. They usually last for no more than 24 hours.
How many treatments are generally required?
Patients generally require 2-3 treatment sessions approximately 2 weeks apart to complete a course of treatment. The results of BlephEx can be almost instantaneous but they are not permanent. The procedure will need to be repeated annually to maintain the result and regular eyelid hygiene at home such as eyelid scrubs, much like the professional removal of plaque and tartar from your teeth at the dentist and flossing at home.
Is the BlephEx treatment covered or reimbursed by health insurance?
It is unlikely that your insurance plan covers this treatment. However it is a very affordable procedure given that you save on the long-term costs of dry eye treatments spent on artificial tears, medicated eye drops etc. You will also enjoy the benefits of healthy comfortable eyes for the first time in years.
Who can have Blepharitis?
The risk of developing blepharitis increases with age so if you have any red, itchy irritated eyelids, Blephex can be safe and effective treatment for patients of all ages.